The scope of the project included the complete storm water reticulation system for the latest expansion to the Springs Fresh Produce Market.
The system was designed to collect and effectively remove all storm water volumes falling on the roof covering of the extended facility, as well as over the expansive open yard, access roads and loading areas in the surrounding vicinity.
The design incorporated a range of different sized pipes in order to optimize flow capacities and performance against cost.
Through the introduction of various Geosynthetics products, to replace conventional construction materials, durability, cost and performance of the project can be greatly improved lowering upfront costs and improving structural efficiencies over extended design and operational lifespans.
T-PIPE HD, TeMa SA’s Heavy Duty (equivalent to SN8/PN10) double wall, corrugated, HDPE, smooth bore storm water pipe was installed between brick junction boxes and collection sumps to make up the entire system.
Various diameters were available and supplied in order to conform to the design flow capacities.
T-PIPE HD was preferred over traditional concrete storm water pipes due to its increased durability and abrasion resistance. T-PIPE HD is also lightweight and available in longer lengths translating to lower transport costs, easier handling, and faster installation times. The corrugated outer surface also contributes to limiting movement during operation and settlement over time.